Sunday, June 10, 2012

Preventing Alzheimers

"Get enough sleep. Eat a good mix of nutritious foods. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Constantly try to learn new skills. Avoid stress and extreme multi-tasking as much as possible. Practice planning, anticipating, and thinking ahead. Participate in activities which require the coordination of multiple body parts at once, " this is the advice of Derek  Gillette .  The article is a simple reminder of the things we should do to keep active, engaged and healthy!

So....make your list of things to do:
1.  Suduko
2.  Read a book
3.  Take a walk and not talk on your phone but really look and observe
4.  Be social...get together with friends (no not just facebook)
5.  Challenge yourself to do something you haven't done - drawing, writing with the opposite hand
6.  Meditation - helps to get your settled - might help before bedtime

What is on your list?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link to my article Donna. It seems you are a wealth of knowledge yourself. It is great to find someone else who sees the value in education.

    Keep up the good work!

    Derek Gillette


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