Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stress Relief - Only 20 minutes a day can help!

Mayo Clinic reports that 80% of the patients they see are for stress related illnesses.  WebMD states
"Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress-- a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases."

I have started a simple practice of 20 minute Yoga.  Just the practice of breathing and stretching has been great.  This link will take you to a 20 minute Yoga online that is perfect for you sitting at a desk, mom's with busy schedules and even seniors.

Seniors have limited range of motion issues and this deals with the upper body which is very useful.  Even seniors in nursing homes could incorporate this in their activities with just a TV and internet connection.

So, just devote 20 minutes to focus on YOU !  YOU are worth it. 

Also, part of relaxation can be a massage (treat a special senior in your life with a gift of massage for Valentine's Day).  Taking lavendar scented hand cream and gently massaging a person having memory issues can be very soothing and calming. Human touch is very powerful.  Seniors who sit or use a wheelchair a majority of the time could benefit from a massage to relax the muscles of the back and shoulders. 

I recommend Trina Maxwell who is not only a certified massage therapist but also has additional training for lymphatic drainage (281-727-8227).  Another practitioner in the Katy area is Melissa Rayburn Integrative Therapist -Certified Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, Massage Therapist, and Music Therapist (281-222-3166).  You might ask why do I mention these two practitioners.  It is because I know them personally and want to make sure that if you want a massage or these services you start with the best I know.  I hope to get to meet more practitioners in the Conroe/Willis/Woodland area of Texas since I will be transitioning to that area with my Geriatric Care Managment practice.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Donna great work.I am proud I had the opportunity to work with you.
    Wilson Bonfim


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